When enemies get within range of their ranged weapons they will start firing automatically. When fighting on foot alongside your men, order them to stay near you. Nord cavalry is exclusive to Warband's custom battle and multiplayer modes. It's not surprising that this is the case-no one chooses Vikings only to keep them out of the fray. These upsides aren't the ones they need to be great ranged attackers, and Nord archers should only be used by Nord AI while player characters look elsewhere. Nord Veteran Archers make use of Bodkin arrows and have a decent Power Draw, so their damage can be pretty good. Their main advantage is that, like Rhodok crossbowmen, they are unusually proficient in melee combat.

They are not very fast-firing and not as skilled as other ranged attackers. In contrast to their infantry, Nord archers are less useful. Nords are the most desirable line of infantry in the game, their only downsides being their relatively high wages and the length of time it takes to train Huscarls. They are strong, exceptional in both dealing damage and withstanding it. Nords primarily use swords and axes, and have a chance of spawning with throwing weapons. Uniquely, many Nord lords are functionally infantry, charging into battle without their horses. Nord infantry is expensive and difficult to level, but they make up for it with brute stopping power and the highest statistics of all infantry units. The Nord Huscarl is the best infantry unit in the game.

The strength of the Nords comes from their powerhouse infantrymen.